The Hansel Family

The Hansel Family

Saturday, March 1, 2014

#4 and #5

We are due with a baby this August, which will be kiddo #4. The most common question we get is, "are you still adopting?" Or, "what does this change about the adoption?" Honestly, we don't know. We hope, wish, and pray that this adoption journey has prepared us for adding to our family in that way, but we'll leave that in Gods hands and trust if it is in our story, He'll lead us there. While I often feel the tug of Africa on my heart, we are open to a domestic adoption as well... Foster care, private, open or closed, older or younger. While the story of our adoption, has so many depths to it, I know it has made us stronger in our faith, with our marriage, in our finances, with our kids, and in every day life. Our three talk daily still about the little boy they want to add to our family, I can only imagine how often they think about him without voicing it. Today Jett asked if his skin would be light or dark. His heart longs for him, as does ours. Faye would like for us to adopt a little girl, assuming the baby coming in August is a boy, so they can be in love. That 3 year old is a daily adventure waiting to happen. Each child that God has blessed us with, and will bless us with in the future, is the greatest gift we could ask for. And we can't wait to receive it, with a child like faith, knowing He knows best.